
Got you beat on getting rid of stuff . Took cloths up to the local hosptial for the nearly new sale at GBMC and then four bags off to goodwill . Then went shopping for new things that I needed after I ahd keep the old clothes some ten years and out of style. Went to Talbots at the mall and Coldwater Creek are having 50% off and all the stores . I just stuck to Talbots . I can't believe I had a linen jacket for ten years and when I had it drycleaned it go so stiff well that went out the door . I went to the outlet and purchase a new one .

Don't want to buy to much losing the weigh and only getting tops that just plum wore out on me . I hate clutter and have to get rid of it . I have comforter in the storage room that are clean in the plastic bag that are going to Goodwill . Wee.... it feels good to get it all cleaned out .

Courage is very important
Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use .