EW...thanks for the article...you are always finding ways to reach out to us...you are the sweetest person I know.

I spoke to LW last night. An opportunity presented itself and I took it. We're having a sleep-over Saturday with Larry's son G, DIL M and their two little ones and LW...LW called to see if he could bring something (that was sweet of him to do that). We talked a bit about what he's been doing since he got out of the Navy and after that I just jumped in with both feet and said 'I have a bone to pick with you and your sister.' He chuckled and said, 'what's that.' I was as Motherly as possible with him about how much their silence on Father's day hurt their dad and wondered why they chose to ignore him on such an important day. Then I reminded him that they've done nothing for him for Christmas, his birthday and now Father's day. He listened very maturely while I expressed my feelings about how important these times are and that they have one dad and life isn't certain and missed opportunities...and on and on. He said he wasn't taught (by his mom) that these times were any big deal and that's why he didn't think anything about it. I explained that I was raised differently...that Larry has had 5 years to see and be involved in how much fun all the interacting is and how he misses it with his own children. He seemed to react in a positive way and didn't sound offended (I tried to deliver it in a soft, caring way) because I didn't want to alienate him. That would defeat the purpose. We'll see how he and his sister (if she comes) behaves this weekend and in the future. I realize I'm fighting their lifetime of their Mother never teaching them the importance of their dad...and it shows, big time. To her larry was just the person who worked and provided everything...not one to love and cherish and respect. But, like I've said before, Larry's middle name is doormat and his kids learned how to take advantage of that. Now, instead of me doing the same, I'm trying to get them to see that their dad has feelings and they should matter to them...not use him for their personal gain. It's a long row to hoe but I'm going to try to have some kind of positive influence on this...may never happen, but I'm trying.
As far as me not wanting LW moving in with us after he left active duty, my apprehensions were not unfounded. He told me last night he has applied for unemployment and doesn't want to work. He's hoping by September something comes in with the plumbers union/training...which means he's going to sit on his butt in that one-bedroom apartment with his mom and sister. He told me he was being lazy but why work if he could get paid for doing nothing? (I've never in my life understood this mentality and he certainly doesn't get this from his dad).
Anyway, that's the up-to-date story on the Father's day issue and the LW NOT moving in here issue.
One positive thing I can say about LW...he will listen to me...he may not do a darn thing I suggest, but he will listen. That's something.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards