Well, Sunny-boy…beamed in this afternoon with Anaiya. He acted as if nothing happened between us. So typical…’just ignore it…and it will go away’.

After we put Anaiya to bed, he was just disappearing out the front door. Hah! No way was I going to let him off the hook that easily.

We three sat in the kitchen for a good two hours and had a heart to heart talk. And you know what? I still think he doesn’t get it. Anyhow, in the end…before rehashing everything over and over again, I told him…it doesn’t matter what we argue about; it’s how it’s done. And if you have the least respect for me and your father, then you argue with consideration and tact.

He left and hardly said good-bye. I was hoping for a reconciling hug. … Oh well. It’s that huge chip on his shoulder, that I can’t seem to chisel down. And as Mountain Ash said; basically it all comes down to Anaiya’s mother that has left us all to fend for ourselves, and see to it how we can live happily with this arrangement.

In the future, Hubby and I will try to disappear on weekends, while Danny is here with his daughter. With the philosophy; “What I don’t see, won’t upset me.” I guess, it all comes down to the most important thing; and that is, he loves his daughter, and only wants the best for her.

I just want to thank each one of you for your very wise comments and support.

Dee; You opened my eyes with your comment about boys wanting our approval even after they’re grown. Maybe I have been neglecting that factor, and have only been seeing what Hubby and I do for Anaiya. I have taken this very much to heart.

Mountain Ash; You said; “The lad may need a good cry,” brought tears to my eyes. And it helped me and Hubby talk calmly expressing our concern and understanding of his situation as well. Thank you so much.

JJ, I quoted you tonight to my son. I told him when I ask about Anaiya when he has her, I do it out of love, and not to criticize him. And I asked him to not hesitate if he has suggestions as to how we should handle Anaiya. I think that threw him through a loop. And although we didn’t separate all huggy…it was good to get the feelings out in the open, and it has eased all of our minds. JJ you have such wisdom to share. Thank you so much.

Anno, “Love yourself, my friend.” Those words are the best soul medicine. And I know I need to take everything more lightly, and not let it get to me like that. And yes for my health’s sake and for Hubby’s too. Anyone know a secret formula as to how not to let family conflicts get under your skin? And Anno, this is so like you to think you are too much in your own little world. Your world is the first priority right now. Thank you for caring, and I know you really do.

Jabber, are you talking from your own experience? All I know the way you speak of your adoptive parents, many a natural parent would yearn for such kind words. I see no difference between adoptive parents and natural parents. My sons are so different from me…they could be adopted.

Gee,….I wish I could adopt some of you as my sisters.