The united front that Hubby and you present will have given him food for thought.Even if it only hits home when he returns on Sunday. Play that meeting well.
And good the little one wanted to pick up the balls..of course she did (shows how out of touch your son is)and this will reinforce his own insecurity at how "well" he is looking after his daughter.This is sad..because its really Mother who has set this in motion by pursuing her dream.

You have the advantage EW. recall how he acted as a teenager and how then you were the adult he the young person.Because this is a replay of his way of coping.The lad probably needs a good cry...seeing how his life as turned out.
BUT if you husband and son can talk calmly and salvage what really matters...that Anniya is as unaffected as possible.

Could you all be so like a tight spring due to your heart procedure that this is a focus.
Because EW a whole different scenario could be happening.This must be the undercurrent for all of you.
Dont underplay what you have been through.
Mountain ash