I was so upset by my son's behaviour, that Hubby called him, and told him he better get his act together and apologize to me.

So he hands the phone over to me, and my son says, “Dad wants me to apologize; …but I was insulted that you implied I can’t take care of my own daughter.”

Can you believe it! I simply asked if it is wise to take the daughter to a golf course for 6 hours in a 90 degree heat wave. I told him, that he is purposely trying to misunderstand me, just to justify his horrible behaviour. And if he is apologizing because his father says so, then he needs to do some rethinking.

But you know, I feel better now. He is the one losing out; not me. Should be interesting when he brings Anaiya back on Sunday. When we were on the phone she was screaming “Oma! Oma!” and crying her little heart out in the background. My poor little Anaiya.

Your posts helped me more than you all can know. They truly did! And Mountain Ash, I had to lol at your visual. Hee hee,…I think he was punished enough, because he didn’t get to see his precious golf game. He told his father, Anaiya wanted to run on the green and pick up all the golf balls. But I think JJ and MA, hit the nail on it’s head once again. I think Danny is acting this way because he is angry, and frustrated with his life…and to top it off, he’s jealous of the time we have with his daughter.

Oh Ann, sorry to hear about your brother. What is it with men? JJ, you are so blessed to have two wonderful adult sons. And Dee you are blessed too with your son. Thank God there are exceptions.