I would just imagine that Danny had reached a boiling point from his how decisions about his own life, and you just happen to tip over the tea kettle, so to speak. I'm not making excuses for him, but I do think his anger was misdirected and that he KNOWS you always have her best interest at heart.

Obviously he was mad at something or someone else...yet chose YOU to take it out on. What is the old saying, "We always hurt the ones we love?" I think people do this because they know you will love them, regardless. Does this make it right? Absolutely not. Nor acceptable.

I can tell you this much, when he did arrive, he would either apologize to me or be handed a chewing he wouldn't soon forget. It would start with, "grow up."

You, of all people, do not deserve to be treated as the hired help. You are his mother. Period. Honor they Mother and thy Father. It doesn't get any clearer than that.