She left home, after college, to attend graduate school, a few months after my mother died. It was a 2-year program, and now she is working in her field. She decided to stay out there on the west coast - we're on the east. I have one son, soon to be a senior in college, home. It was so hard for me to accept her leaving so soon after my mom died. I felt so abandoned, but with professional help, I mostly got through it. Now that she's decided to stay there for an unknown amount of time, I find myself feeling so angry with her. I can barely speak with her without throwing some dig in, or being sarcastic. I am blaming her for the uphappiness in my own life. All my friends have daughters at least living in the same time zone, but no, she had to move across country to find herself.

Now, on my rationale days, I realize, "hey", it's her life, she can live anywhere she wants." She's independant, has a job - be happy for her, and I am for most days. Then a black cloud comes over me, and I hate her. I'm on antidepressants and am seeing a psychologist, but gee, you'd think after a couple of years, I'd be more at peace with her decision. I'm 52, and so far my fifties stink!!

thank you for letting me vent!!