My poor Molly is at the back door shaking like a leaf...we're having a thunderstorm and she's absolutely terrified of them...when we got her and I realized how afraid of thunder she is I brought her in...then we were away during a storm and came back to one of the doors half eaten by her trying to get into the house. So, I've had to stop allowing her in during storms and fuss at her when she wants's the only way we can discourage her from chewing the doors...poor darlin', it will be thundering and she'll put her paws up on the living room windows peering in at us with this scared look on her face..."LET ME THE (BLANK) IN!!!). But, we know if we do the next time we're away during a storm the doors will be gone when we come back. I feel so badly for her.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards