While it's exciting to get a new computer, it does take time to get use to them. It will be worth it in the long run. In a couple weeks you'll be a wiz at it.

Thanks for asking. I'm doing well. I love this time of year when I can be outside more, walking, working in the garden, and just sitting on the patio. I'm gearing up to go out there with some work. I've printed a bunch of stuff from the sites that needs rewriting and updates so I thought I'd do it outback. Love it!

Ross and the kids are in good places right now so that's refreshing. Our youngest graduates in a couple weeks so we'll all be going to that, plus two of my sisters are going, so we're psyched. We're in the middle of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's which is like nothing we've ever experienced, but by the grace of God and great people, we're taking it a day at a time and managing to carry on.

Thanks for asking. I appreciate it.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.