EW...I have two German cook books and love the potato pancakes with applesauce. It's a lot of steps but the end result is really good.
I really miss the fried cammebert cheese with berry sauce. I used to order that at a restaurant Rudesheim ...AND believe it or not I miss smoked Mackerel for breakfast (the large one, not the littles ones). I used to buy the Mackerel in the fridge section at the German stores...I'd take that puppy home, put it under the grill and yum. Add fresh brochen and butter...ahhh.
When I was stationed in England I got hooked on Indian (dot not feather) cooking. I liked it so much I decided to learn how to make it and have 2 cookbooks that are amazing. Unfortunately, I can't get fresh ingredients here nor can I eat Indian as often...to high in fat...the Ghee alone is an artery clogger. And Ghee is what adds the flavor. Oh, where's the Chicken Tika Massala?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards