I am a real estate agent, so I've changed the way I do business. I have the buying clients preview a neighborhood for themselves. If they like the neighborhood, then I'll put it on the "to see" list. Also, I have a great office, but if possible I go to it every other day, and work from home. Mustang, if you have an Ulta store you can use an Ulta coupon for Aveena products there. My husband used to have his clothes dry cleaned. Now he is washing/drying/ironing himeself. They don't look so good, but he works in a restaurant, and he comes home with clothes looking like the fell in the food grinder. I eat soup: chicken broth, elbow noodles, celery, and carrots, several times a week. Husband works in restaurant, and ususally eats there. Oh, like Anne, I try to organize a car pool if a bunch of Realtors are going to an event. I have cut back on volunteering. Isn't that a shame that the cost of gas is a factor so that I don't volunteer at the DV shelter anymore? Need chiro, don't go. Stopped Netflix and all magazine subscriptions. No movies or eating out. Fun is using art supplies I already have, reading books second time around, using library to get movies, although I am #265 in que for "Georgia Rules." Switching anti depressants from expensive Cymbalta to a similar one that is $4.00. Fosamax just went generic. Yeah! Imitrex not. Make cards, no Hallmark. Oh, we have been using Brita filters for years. No more. Strictly tap. And, do you think space heaters are an effective way to add supplemental heat, or do they drain a lot of energy? What else are we doing? I'd love to know too.

Edited by Princess Lenora (05/04/08 06:37 AM)