Love going out to smiles. That's scary. Poor thing, I hope everything is fine and okay and please keep us posted and give her a hug from me.

I took my girlfriend out for her 50th birthday years ago and we danced the night away. She had to go to her chiropractor the next day, her back was so messed up!

I used to wear stilettos (sp) all day long. Made my legs look better. Now, one evening of wearing any kind of heel makes my back ache for two days.

Someone pointed this out to me and I'm finding it's the truth: When we hit our 50's we begin to talk and compare physical ailments and when we hit our 60's we talk and compare what drugs we're taking to combat them. I've caught myself doing this and it's pretty ugly! [Mad]

Yes Dotsie, tan cellulite looks better than white. But then, my legs...I have to hide the varicose veins that are taking root. Geesh.