Thanks P.L. Glad it was helpful.

Jawjaw, I've gotten that question too. I usually recommend that they read a couple of good books on the craft of writing and then study the books similar to ones they want to write as I suggested above.

The question is kind of funny though. There is so much mystery surrounding writers and the act of writing. That's partly why I wrote TIME TO WRITE, to help dispel some of those myths. There's a chapter in TTW on how the professional writers overcome writer's block, and it was comforting to me to know that even professional writers still get stuck. I humbly admit that I used to believe, before I started writing myself, that good writers could just sit down and gleefully whip out their books in one draft. Ha! If only!

Anyway, I thought a little poll of what you do when you get stuck in your writing would be fun...

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Votes accepted starting: 04/17/08 09:44 AM
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Kelly L. Stone

Author of:

TIME TO WRITE: More Than 100 Professional Writers Reveal How to Fit Writing Into Your Busy Life-- No Excuses, No Distractions, No More Blank Pages!