Eagleheart..I am having a tough day..but I am still writing to you in the gratitude journal thread..because I want to thank you for your post..and MountainAsh..for the watering your garden first story/thought. Without expounding here on what´s going on..I just want to say that your posts gave me the beginning of a way to turn my thoughts to something positive. At least turn them in that direction..

Eagleheart..you have direct contact with God/your Source!!! I am overwhelmed at the contact you have with yourself..meaning your self!!! However do you do it??? Are you, in other words, finding your answers within your self? Is someone guiding you? Or are you your own guide? My goodness what a blessing..and how incredibly far you have come!!!!And you are living proof that it can be done..

What a treasure you are. And what a treasure you have!
"some sacred place.."