MA, love this analogy. I agree. This is why I begin my days with quiet time; to reflect on the day prior, and sort out the day facing me. I do any or all of the following - reflect, pray, read my prayer list, journal, do a Bible study, read a faith based book, listen. Some days, I'm better at one than the others. Some days I spend 10 minutes and other days, maybe 45 or longer. I used to think it was selfish to take time for myself, but I've learned that when I do this, I have more energy and postivity to last the day. I still fail and sin, but then I go back the next day and reflect on why, and try to begin all over again. Now I'll think of it as watering my garden.

Eagle, your thoughts, dreams, writing is so unbelievably lovely. I'm praying you're able to add yoruself to that list in due time. May God continue to be at work within you during this time of self-relection and love!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.