I'm grateful for the singing birds and blue skies that are surrounding me this morning.

And today, I'm especially grateful for my youngest son who is the Executive Producer and Director of Photography for a music video being filmed today and Wednesday in Orlando, FL. This is his first time producing. He has 25 people working with him. Please offer a prayer for his peace of mind and clarity as he undertakes something he hopes to do over and over again. I appreciate it. I'm thankful because he is forever calling and emailing to share his life with us.

I'm thankful for the most kind nurses who have been caring for my loved one in the hospital. It's just like the good old days when the nurses took an intereest in every patient. I've been amazed.

I'm thankful for your listening ears and compassionate hearts.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.