Great topic. Eagle, I would also give thanks for candy and a hubby who bought it!

humlan, congrats on sticking with yoga for a year. That's awesome and so very good for you! Keep up the good work.

I am grateful for the lunch I just had with my sister, Dad, two aunts, and cousin. Sis and I tagged along (well, really drove Dad now that he sold his car) and we were so uplifted by these elderly pepole who still make it a point to be with one another. They are amazing and such great role models. One aunt is turning 87 and is still driving and should be. There's no reason she shouldn't. She's totally with it. Another has been battling cancer for six years and jokes that they have to plan their lunches around her chemo schedules. She also warned her doctor that she was taking a month off from chemo this summer because she's going to the beach. I admire my dad and his family. Their tenacity is remarkable. Great spirits!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.