I have changed my deamenor drastically as well Princess. I am and have always been a night owl, up till all hours of the night roaming around town but lately I don't go out once it is totally dark. I don't go walking even in my own neighborhood when its dark out. I bought special security steel screen doors it would take a truck to get through, so I feel safer. I never meet anyone for business now after dark. I could never be a real estate person and recently a beautiful new complex opened here and I was offered the job of rental agent. It meant I would just have to show possible tenants the apartments and I said NO. This being a transcient town surrounded by easy access and exit, it is even more dangerous. Criminals pop in, commit their mayhem, and leave. It's such a sad situation that women especially must live in fear. Thats the reason I have always had dogs too, even a smell dog will bark like mad if someone is hanging about. I never scold my Yorkies for barking when I'm home, they are my alarm system if notning more...

Edited by chatty lady (04/17/08 09:50 PM)
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