Oh yes, I am glad to do it if this is what it takes to get her on the right path.

She misses Zoey, but she understands what she must do. I have repeated to her enough times that sitting around and playing victim isn't going to get her her daughter back.

Even so, and this is not the same but it helps, we are borrowing our neighbor's pomeranean(SP). Sofia loves animals and this is kind of a pet therapy for her. Plus, it gives her something to do and feel like she is nurturing at the same time. Like I said, it doesn't replace Zoey, but it helps.

As for us helping her, it's not a big deal honestly. We have always believed in doing that as long as the one being helped is making efforts. Plus, I don't think any of us here have gone through this life and hasn't made a mistake at least once. We all do, I certainly have. The real tragedy would be not learning from the mistake no matter how small or large.

I really feel bad for her, and really, if 18 wasn't the legal age, she wouldn't be in this situation. We would've been able to stop it before it even came close to starting. But, I have pointed out to her that she is fortunate to learn this early on in life. Some of us do not learn this type of lesson until our 30's or 40's.

I have thought about this for months now, but I would love to see some laws "amended". It would be nice if the law could be amended to where an 18 year old has to have at least a GED before they are considered an adult. Or until they turn 21. Then it wouldn't penalize the 18 years old who are mature enough to be considered adults. I don't know, but even a psychiatrist has explained to us that the brain doesn't develop to full maturity until you reach 25. 18 is not even close to maturity as far as the development of the brain is concerned. Just my thoughts. I really don't want to see another family go through this at all.

As far as under their roof. Here's the scenario. Sofia went out and got an apartment for her and Zoey through HUD. The dad never came one time to visit, he didn't contribute one iota. She tried to take care of a newborn herself and I really wanted to run there and stay with her. But I couldn't, I was playing tough love and it really broke my heart to do it. She actually did pretty good considering her situation. I have been told by others in that town who have come to know her. They said the allegations were nothing but a crock. Which is why the coercion to go to the hospital had to come into play. If Child Protective Services had been called while she was not in the hospital and at home. They wouldn't have found any evidence of neglect. BTW, our lawyer is investigating this. It bothered me and our lawyer as well, that CPS took this woman's word for the allegations and never saw for themselves. *Anyway the hospital stay can be explained in a PM if anyone needs to see the big picture here. There is more to this than I am willing to tell publicly. But it's being investigated and hopefully the tables will turn where they are suppose to be and justice will be served.

Thanks again ladies!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!