I so appreciate the prayers, thank you very much! It is my Faith that has sustained me through this whole ordeal. I certainly don't have this kind of strength.

This whole situation reminds me of the Prodigal Son in the Bible. She had to come to her own conclusion and want the help herself. This is when her dad and I stepped in. This is different than bailing someone out and then they continue on their destructive path. I agree, this may have been what Sofia needed to have happened in order to grow up. Zoey is the bonus here and a pure joy. I feel so bad for her and what she has gone through as well. When we had her at Sofia's, on her supervised visit, we played classical soothing music and we just took our time with her and soothed her as much as possible. They smoke like chimneys in the house she is living in and it's very dangerous around an infant that young.

I worry about the dad coercing Sofia back as well and I warned her that he may do that. She understands this and this is another reason why I can't go back to work yet. She's too vulnerable to leave by herself. We did go job hunting today and I hope she finds a job soon. She is really focused in getting her daughter back and over here with us. We are helping Sofia for the full custody, however, VA is really strange about custody laws. The judge usually rules in favor of Joint Custody until the child goes to school. We will have to live with it if this is what the judge decides. It will still be better than what we have now, but I believe we should try to fight for full custody. I know the dad's mother wants full custody so Sofia would have to pay child support. When she turned on Sofia, that was the first thing that came out of her mouth, plus the threat of going to jail if she didn't pay. That's emotional abuse in my book. The dad is not ready to raise an infant by himself, and it's his mother behind this whole mess.

My dad is doing Okay and he is anxious to see his great-granddaughter. It's a shame too, here we don't know how much longer he'll be with us. He served this country for 30 years and it's up to a 19 year old thug whether my dad is able to see Zoey or not. I really pray this isn't the case too much longer and I hope what these people did will come back to bite them really hard.

Thanks Dotsie!

Love and Blessings,
Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!