I say this gently.
You list non activity along side other traits.
For me.. non activity is a state I am advised to do.For some one who danced played sport ran and cycled this is emotionally painful.It has to be bourne.I have erosive arthitis.and any activity beyond my theshold is wrong for me.To look at I am not much changed.I wear hand splints to keep my hands supported type as much as possible..to save handwriting strain.I pace my housework.My feet mirror my hands so I limit where I go.I still go every where I did but from experience know the outcome.
Erosive arthitis is a post menopausal strain.It was until 1956 viewed as rhemetoid arthritis.The the discovery that "handling the sites of the condition sensibly" was long term beneficial.My hands will have to feed wash and dress me into old age and my specialist made things clear to me.

One day when I had a flare up a locum GP telephoned my specialist urgently..all I had done extra was clean my kitchen cupboards.This I do now one shelf at a time.I have learned as I go along and know one day this situtaion will pass.
I save some of my energy for my greenhouse..would even pay for a cleaner to have this in my life.Growing flowers and salad treats my soul.
Adjusting to change comes in differnet guises.Perhaps people have situations they cope with in their individual way.
I loved when I was full of health and energy but wont let my life change limit my happiness.
My world wide interest and curiosity are heightened.Travel shows documentries and good books likewise.The sky the clouds sunsets .
Non activity is not chosen I did not ask it in.
Mountain ash