Broadway shows are something diff from theatre and opera... I thoroughly enjoyed the one we went to. The effects were awesome!
Don't bother trying the cheesecake and hamburgers New Yorkers brag about - they were awful.
Central Park and people watching - now that was fun! We even bought into the carriage with a white horse ride around the park, then ate at Tavern On The Green in the evening - that was a classy restaurant, in those days.
We hit the subway to say we did... we don't have those in the Texas south.
Greenich Village and the surrounding area was my fav... even though there was a police involved incident just half a block away from us. It's probably more commercialized now. In the time frame we went, it was really quaint, somewhat scary, hard to get a taxi... but, unique... we walked mostly.
We drove through the worst part of Queens - didn't get out, but we looked.
We were so close to taking a helicopter ride over Niagra Falls, but didn't.
That has been over twenty years ago, and the best I can remember about our trip.