I'd like to add my thoughts -- I originally "retired" 6 years ago at age 55 when my wonderful husband took early retirement at age 61 and asked me to leave my job and be able to enjoy our lives together - you know, travel, walks along the beach, etc. Since this was my second marriage and the love of my life I eagerly said "yes". A year and a half later my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died in six weeks. I have never regretted my decision to "retire" to enjoy life with him. But what have I been doing for the last 4 years??? TOTALLY ENJOYING LIFE!! I decided not to return to the insurance industry because I really never liked it but needed it to raise my 3 kids alone. I had to try lots of things to see what really "fit" for me. Finally I decided to work as a life coach part time and enjoy traveling on life's journey part time. At present, I go to school three mornings a week in a fantastic program called OLLI (Osher Life Long Learning Institute) its all over the US and really inexpensive. I'm studing photography, memior writing, and exploring the area I live in from the ice age to present time. I also volunteer at my local theatre group. My children and grandkids live out of state and sometimes its lonely but I keep busy and we call each other daily. I think the real cons of retirement is wasting time -- its a gift to explore all the things you never thought you could do.....enjoy it!!