I post timidly because of how you signed off in another forum post... But, since you didn't suggest any limits, I'll contribute.

I am not retired, considering myself currently unemployed - going on six years, now. For the first three years, I was caring for grandchildren to help out my youngest daughter, who (with her family of five) had just relocated to Texas from NY state. Those three years flew by. Then my parents' healths started declining rapidly, along with emotional upsets it brought to our large family. Our mom has been my main objective (if you can call a person that) since one of my sisters moved back from CA to care for our dad.

Now about retirement - I don't see myself as retired, even though my DH pushes me to accept that as my state of being. I look forward to finding a job that I love so much I will never want to retire from it. If I were in a job position strictly for economical means right now, I think I would be thinking of ways to change to one that would give me a sustainable income while it fed my soul at the same time. If I enjoy my work, I welcome the "good" tired it brings.
AS yet, I haven't found that type of employment for myself... don't even know if it exists.
To never work again, as in retirement, seems deadly. I watch my mom and dad, who have traveled extensively with their ministry, and see them face the day in and day out with no responsibilities, per se, and see how sad they seem. I think the answer to their "retirement" would be having the means to do as they wish, regardless. But, when I think of myself that way, I can't find an appealing aspect to it. I guess I have had to work to have tangible and non-tangible things for so long, working for them is part of the pleasure. Maybe if I had been one with a bottomless purse, I might be thinking differently.
Free time - carving out blocks of free time is the answer for me, while working at something fulfilling and financially rewarding.
Is what I'm thinking a bunch of nothing?