I have read some of the threads on this subject..so what I am looking for is..how are you girls feeling right now about retirement? What are you doing? Or not doing? Because you don´t always have to be DOING something..this I believe strongly (for myself anyway)

What are the pros and cons of retirement..do you think..at this point in time?

Thank you for any answers that come...

I can´t retire now at 60 for economical reasons or so I think..but I am longing for it. I sometimes wonder if I should be careful what I wish for? AND I DO KNOW that I should be happy where I am in life and love it and myself and others..RIGHT NOW!!! But I am so tired at times after my day at work with the children..and I don´t have the energy for other things that I would also like to do..I was going to write that "i just flake out when I come home"..but after thinking about it alittle, I realize that what I do when I come home are things I want to do,too..hmm.. but I don´t have the time and energy for my grandchildren and adult children that I would sometimes like to have..and they are IMPORTANT to me!
"some sacred place.."