Hannelore, angel, just gotta remind you not to plan too far ahead..things will take care of themselves..when they should..at the right time for you and everyone around you. Don´t force anything..step back..and let life..

If you have to move alone ( and that you never can know now)..then I am sure you´ll manage..and that you won´t be alone..don´t you have wonderful adult children and grandchildren?? I am sure you have many friends and you work in real estate..with all sorts of connections, I am guessing. I´ll bet anything that life will take unexpected twists and turns and before you are done..you´ll be surprised where you ended up and what you and your family did.

You say the house is just perfect for you right now..then why spoil a good thing??? Let the house be perfect for you now and enjoy it! Who knows, the day you decide to sell..maybe someone will buy it and offer to help you move everything..that actually happened to us once way back when.. There I was looking at all I had to take care of on my own and pack and move because my husband was away on a job..and I had 4 little kids then..one of which was Susan. And then came a phone call from the buyers..hey, we´ll help you pack and move! (they saw my situation and were eager to move themselves ) and soooo life and love goes on...you just never know ANYTHING, love!!!

And the crone..she´s a cacklin´ again!!!
"some sacred place.."