i am dealing with a loss that i am unsure how to deal with. i still have my son. i have not lost him.. not completely. his traumatic brain injury that he suffered eight weeks ago has taken "him" from me. he is not the kid i am used to. i have had him for 21 years. for the past six weeks, he is not the same. i am so fortunate to still have him. i am blessed. this i know. but i swear.. if one more person tells me how "lucky" we are i am going to flip! there are times that i feel taht but damnit there are times when i am not feeling that at all. this could have never happened too! one day he may be completely the same. chances are he won't be. yes it is true i will ove him the same for always and that will never change. i can not help thought but think of a time just six short weeks ago that he was a differnet man. a man i miss, and miss alot. it is strange to grieve for a person that is still alive. and it just now dawned on me as i typed this that that is what i am doing. thanks board...