Dancer you are an inspiratiion to us all..especially me You are a WOMAN that keeps going despite all odds!!! And knows it..and that makes it even better

It´s late here..almost 12pm..the night is only a child..young,,but I gotta work with 23wild things tomorrow!

HAD to check in..a day at aork where our younger colleague wanting to organize our work day with the kids..that means a theme for the weeks to come..the body..and we begin with toilet usage and what it entails..according to the laws of hygene. Ok for me. Then I spent the evenig with my 3 grandchildren from ages 2 and half..Liam..and then the girl, 9yrs old and the boy almost ll. Well, grandma did her thing and got them all into be after differnt times..and cleaned up for their tired mom, my daughter who will soon be a nurse. I am tired..God knows, I am tired. But they give so just being them..unconditinal love and innocence.´s a gift.

My x..their father/grandfather doesn SEE the accomplishment our adult children have manage..and what wonderful gifts they have given us..grandchildren. He only see what a mess my daughter has made of her life: having 3 kids with 2 fathers. But I mean..WHAT kids..they are kind and cuddly and helpful.As a man of his generation, as my partner points out, my x only measures life in school diplomas and titles and degrees. But the thoughtfulness for eachother and the caring they give eachother..he doesn´t see. Such a tragedy for everyone involved..himself included. How to accept things that cannot change..that is the secret fot me,I guess. I plan to enjoy them all as best as I can. And give my daughter some help towards the end of her nursing degree. So be it, I guess. My X, their father, helps with the finances and for this we are all grateful..I hope. I know that I am!

Some calming wine and to bed with me..I can´t even I see now.

Hugs to evryone!!!
"some sacred place.."