Do you walk away from networking events with a stack of business cards and a bloated stomach from all that snacking? Do you resolve again to follow up with people? Do you wonder why you even go? Are you fed up with networking and getting NO RESULTS?

The truth is that the problem isn't with networking. The problem is that no one ever taught you how to do it! Let my guest, Miss Karen of Miss Karen's Productions, THE networking GURU, help you,
Make this the year that you finally get results from networking and increase the profitability of your small business!
• Understand where networking fits in your marketing plan

• Learn the 3 most costly networking mistakes that people make

• Help you understand what to do differently that will change your networking and get you better results immediately
All it takes is 70 minutes to learn these
important networking tips.
By attending this teleseminar, you are guaranteed to learn these powerful tools for increasing your business income in 2008:

• What to Say: Miss Karen's PROVEN results to get the results you want.
• Three things you should never say: Learn how to keep people paying attention to you
• How to get past nervousness: Miss Karen will give you tips and techniques to make your next networking event a breeze!

“I have felt much more powerful in my BNI infomercials, and as importantly, when speaking with the general public. I get right to my point and receive the kind of response that I had thought I'd receive when I was doing them the "old" way. It has been mentioned to me on several occasions, that what I said in my infomercial was the reason I was called for more information on my product... Thank you very much for showing the way!”

- Bernadette Guimarin - www.thegreatproduct.com/bernadette

Go to this web site to Learn More and to Register.
http://www.wisewomanshining.com/ Networking-Mistakes.html
In spirit,
Casey Dawes, ACC

Helping women business owners step into their power as business leaders
Past-President, Silicon Valley Coach Federation
866-823-9106 (toll free)
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.