Happy for you Ms. Queen and your book will go out shortly.
Now for this week's offer--Suzanne Somers, The Sexy Years.

Now, the author's name may not make you immediately think of great writing or even something with credibility but trust me, there is much in this book to make use of.

The tagline is "Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret To Fabulous Sex, Great Health and Vitality for Women and Men.
The book consists of interviews with doctors who specialize in aging and using Bio identical hormones--these are the safe ones--to alleviate and even reverse the symptoms of menopause and even slow the aging process.

There is plenty of humor, stories about women just like us, and some life coaching thrown in.

What this book is good at is explaining, from a doctors point of view, how and why these hormones can be safe and how they help.

If you are tired of being tired, not sleeping well, not feeling sexy, and suffering the myriad symptoms of midlife and menopause or perimenopause, this book could make a big difference in your life.

Bring on the PMs girls and good luck.