Not sure what could be better than showing up here and reading all these very smart and funny posts from you girls. Steve thanks you for all the kind words and loves JJs rhyme. He's thinking that might be the beginning of his rap song.

Ok, we have a new book and I really got a lot out of this one.
"Younger Next Year for Women, LIve Like You're 50--Strong, Fit, Sexy--Until You're 80 and Beyond" by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge M.D.

That's a mouthful. You may have heard of this book as the first one, for men, took a whole bunch of the people I know by storm. The premise, is in the title and the mantra is, Age but not decay. I'm all over that idea, you?
And if you want to get the inside scoop on aging and disease prevention from a doc this book has it.

It's practical and very clearly spells out the importance of exercise--"the best people hate it" but make it their job, commitment and connection to others, self care, and "relentless optimism."

These writers are funny and very honest when it comes to the realities of aging. They don't cover it up and talk about anti-aging. It's about mobility, flexibility, real joy, and so much more. As always if you are not familiar with it check it out on Amazon.

Steve and I will be waiting for your PMs. Good luck everyone.