Well we have a winner of last week's raffle.

So Jane Carroll, congratulations! I know you'll love this CD if for no other reason but that you can use it as a 30 minute break/relaxation from your day. I'll get it off to you today or tomorrow.

Steve the cat was disappointed to see only one entry this week but he senses that this whole meditation/affirmation thing isn't for everyone and urged me to go back to books.

Now ladies, this is a book you don't want to miss.

It's Marianne Williamson's latest work called The Age of Miracles, Embracing the New Midlife. And isn't that what we are all striving to do? If you want to check out the book before putting your name in you can head over to Amazon.

As usual the raffle will be open until Sunday at 6pm when Steve the cat will paw around for a winner.
Good luck!