´s normal..very normal. They say it takes about 7yrs to really really get over and be free of a divorce. A divorce is like a death..death of your dreams for the future and a death of a relationship that sometimes can be compared to a person or individual = a man and woman in a relationship = one living breathing organism/individual.

SueC.. I divorced my husband after 32yrs of marriage..5 kids (one who died after a long sickness at 11 yrs old). It was HELL for 2 years after the divorce..really TOUGH and painful..and it brought up so many issues in my life that I thought I had already worked my way thru long ago. The divorce kind of stirred the big kettle of soup that is me..and many unexpected things in my life surfaced´s all part of the process..IF you believe in what you are doing, SueC. BUT questions and doubts are part of the process too. I can still..after almost 8 yrs ask myself..what did I do? Was it right? But deep inside I know that it was right for me..and for my family. I am so much happier, lighter, freer and have so much more understanding and love for myself..and therefore for others. I believe in myself so much more than I ever could in our marriage. We were good together, my husband and I, but somewhere along the line..we became not so good for eachother..yes, I am part of the reason we divorced..OF takes 2 to make a marriage and interplay.

Today, my x husband and I talk freely and have contact on all family events..grandchildren´s and children´s birthdays, graduations and this past Christmas Eve I spent at our old home..where my husband still lives..celebrating Christmas with my 2 sons (27yrs and 18yrs)..

Yes, I have a new relationship now..he is my partner..we are not married.

Just some thoughts for you along your hugs and support go with you!!!
"some sacred place.."