Friday, February 01, 2008
Do depressed women wear too much perfume?

"While some women simply can’t stand strong smelling perfumes or are allergic to it, others simply can’t do without spritzing a generous amount of it on their bodies. Wearing excessive perfumes might be a personal preference but if some studies are to be believed, this could also signify a depressed state of mind in some women. Yes, you heard it right. Wearing strong scented perfumes has a link with depression. A depressed state of mind wreaks havoc on the human body to the extent of even affecting the olfactory nerves and bringing about a loss in our sense of smell, say the researchers at Tel Aviv. That’s why depressed women are found to doll up with too much of perfume to overcompensate for their reduced sense of smell. Depression also makes some men slap on too much cologne, they add."