Celebrating with you on his big day!

And celtic, if we are grateful for our kids... we certainly are.

My heart sings most of the time I speak with them. Notice I said most. Today I soke with my daughter who is back at college. I had to ask her a computer question. She walked me through my issue, then shared that she just finished baking little heart cakes with her friends. My heart flittered because baking is something I did so much of with my kids when they wre little. I'd sit them on the counter and let them stir, pour, and lick. I absolutely loved baking with them. SO to hear she is doing this on her own, is so cool.

Hang in there. I stayed home and there were some long days this time of year. I recall some of the days being longer than a week, but somehow the years passed faster than I care to accept.

Give him a birthday hug from me.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.