Edelweiss, This may sound strange, coming from an artist such as myself, but I would go with a realtor that is a "no junk," web site, the get to the point, professional looking, non musical type of site. I would take the purchase of my next home very seriously and would want to think of my realtor to be rich in experience and polished in presentation. I would want her to be sure footed and perfectly at home with things like numbers and facts.
I would like photos but not too many photos that are there just for decoration, more the classy photos as well, not the "homey," type of photos that one sees at times.

It is easy to put myself in this situation because I just got done working with a realtor and she was very pragmatic compared to me which worked rather well.

Buying a home, esp. now, well here in America, that is, is serious and a big step!

Just my own style,

"Question your privilege"