I’m up here first thing in the morning to read your comments. I know it’s hard because of the German, and after selling my first house, I’ll see if I can get the English translation in. Good idea Gims.

I hope loading the slide shows didn’t take too long. The second time you visit it usually goes a lot faster. Chatty, you wouldn’t believe where I got the background music for the first page. Ladyjane sent me a link once to a travel site in Maine. They had that music. I loved it. It took ages for me to figure out where I could get it, since they didn’t know the name anymore.

Humlan that picture was taken at my son’s wedding in October. Notice the upturned collar…love those…they hide the double chin. Thank you for your sweet words.

Eagleheart, that was most important to me, “easy to navigate”. I have to figure that a lot of people check out the site who may be unfamiliar with computers.

And yes, Gims those paintings are all from me. I sign them with my maiden name. I’m offering people to display their paintings, (up to three different pictures for each one) for 8 Euros/year. If it catches on, I might have a nice little side income that could just cover some costs. Anyway I thought paintings and real-estate go together. So why not give it a try. You liked them? Oh yes, the “mother daughter” one is my favourite. Thanks Gims for checking them out.

I’m sitting here and grinning from ear to ear. Today I’m taking a day off from my homepage. Oh happy days.