All great suggestions, so I won't repeat same ones.

In any well-designed website, make sure it loads fast and have it tested across different generational computers. Not everyone has proper software loaded to execute slideshows, music...or even Adobe reader software to view .pdf files.

Photographs are helpful ..from several different angles. 1-2 photos where the house sits in relation to other homes is helpful plus the usual closeups.

As for a more personal/caring feel by the real estate maybe useful for the real estate agent to highlight in text if there are any parks, walking/multipurpose trails nearby..etc. such facilities. If you have such links from your page then add links for: municipal parks, community centres, walking /cycling trails routes, libraries and public transit. Many of the bigger (smarter)municipalties have whole route maps on their website but a person has to spend extra time to find it sometimes.

It is my understanding at least in some of the bigger cities here in Canada, this can be part of a selling point for a add to the neighbourhood's livability.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)