You could add a fun quiz for the homebuyer like "What kind of home buyer are you?" And make it fun, informative, and easy. Let them see the results right away.

Music is definitely OUT! Let's face it, everybody surfs at work, but who wants to get caught because just as your boss walks by, some music blares out. Music is distracting. Do you want to sing to them, or sell them a house?

Up-to-date rates for financing
Avenues of financing
The mortgage calculator that someone suggested is an excellent idea

People showing around RE agent's sites want to SEE you. They will judge you on your looks, too...that's been proven. So give it your best shot. Photo shot, that is.

Give a brief history of your experience but don't go overboard with it.

This are all just suggestions and things I would want to see if I visited your site. Take um or leave um....