Where I work, this is common practice. And the children that I care for and teach are being primed already to continue the tradition. I have great respect for cultural/religious differences..I understand how deeply their beliefs go..at least I try to understand it..but it´s very difficult to see what is happening to the children that I work with..and hear of what is happening in the community in which I work. I sometimes wonder if I should be there as a teacher. I know that I can´t change what is happening and shouldn´t want to..but I have a hard time condoning it..very very difficult at times. And yet I sincerely love the children..and care very much for most of their parents. UFFFF... tough one. The incidents you speak of happen here because theirs is a patriarchal system..they happen at all levels. When I discuss this with fellow colleagues who live in the community and tell them that in some cases they are actually breaking the laws of Sweden..they say that this is their way..their men know nothing else and so it is. And I can see it..as they explain it to me..but then I awaken and say..but now we are in Sweden and there are therefore new laws that apply...UFFF!!!

Edited by humlan (02/08/08 07:53 PM)
"some sacred place.."