Diane it is heartbreaking I went through a bad alcohol experience myself they found out later it wasn't all of it alcohol I began having psychotic experiences when I started the deprovera shot I started losing my memerory, had had seizures I was already drinking so I knew that I was dying so I drank until I became wetbrained the combination betwwen benzopine withdrawal (which I had been on for 30 years and just didn't have the energy to go get it ) the depo and the alcohol I entered the hoptial at 98 pounds literally a vegetable beleiving that I was dying and had brain demenia .
Get your daughter help and get her back alcohol, medicine withdrawal and different drugs can have different effects on different people I had had many bad things happen and still wan to escape from alcohol (it's been four years ) they thought I would be insitutionalized forever and I am back as a publisher , artist , and writer I ache everynight for my son being in so much pain but it is getting better . and he is getting stronger . Young kids going into treatment is so inconsistant with society as they are just starting to socialize and alohol is the most acceptable at this stage , don't ignore it until it is too late .
Alcohol and hallucinations is generally a sign of a deeper problem so dig deep kids are resillent it doesn't make it any less hard of the mothers and fathers etc.