Yep...THAT problem is resolved, thank goodness.

This happened yesterday. Yesterday, was my husband's birthday and I had a surprise get-together at his mom's house...nothing big because everyone was working and it just happened that Larry was going to be home for a few hours so I quickly put together a cake and his presents and ran them over to his mom's the night before. I didn't invite Larry's kids because LW's in another state and his other son and daughter could not take off work. It ended up being me, Larry, his mom and his sister...which was nice.
During the day Larry's brother from Virginia called and my son, (Larry's step-son) Ray, called to wish him a happy birthday. As the evening wore on there was no phone call from LW and no phone call from his daughter, Danielle. Finally, around 9 p.m. Larry went to lie down in bed and watch TV. I got on the internet and emailed LW and Danielle (she was online) and gently reminded them that it was their dad's birthday. Ten minutes later Danielle at least sent him an e-card, and despite the fact that she only lives 15 minutes away, did not pick up the phone and call her dad. And LW, instead of sending his dad an email or calling him, emailed me and made excuses that he never remembers anyone's birthday and to tell his dad happy birthday. So, why didn't he just send his father an email?
I'm just of the opinion that these two are selfish, self-centered brats who only think of themselves. It's not been a week ago that I had the heart-felt talk with LW about stepping up to the plate and being there more for his dad and he knew it was his Father's birthday because I'd told him about the new chainsaw I'd given him a week early. It obviously went in one ear and out the other...Larry, of course was hurt and told me today that his kids are selfish and they take after their was always about her and no one else. It's obvious who they took after.
This past Christmas Larry and I put so much time and money and effort into his children's gifts and having a good time with them here...they came in with NOTHING for their dad, got their gifts, ate, and left. It just stuns me that there are kids who can do this and be okay about it. Their Father is a sweet, considerate man who would go to the ends of the earth for his kids...but, will they take two minutes and say 'happy birthday, dad'? Too much trouble for them. I do not understand grown adult children who do this.
I've gotta stop or I could go on and on...UGH!!!
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards