If you visited my area, NE Alabama, you could be taken to Tuscumbia, AL, to see the birth home of Helen Keller, and if you visit during the months of June and July, you could attend the Helen Keller Festival, and also see the play, The Miracle Worker. While you are there, why not visit the Alabama Music Hall of Fame (2 miles from my Mom's house, stop in for chocolate pie and coffee)...where people like the Rolling Stones, Elvis, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, and too many other stars to mention, have recorded their music. You can even make a tape of your OWN self singing. Tell David I sent you. He's the manager there and we graduated from school together. Don't forget to visit the gift shop there where they carry MY BOOK! Wuhoo!

If you travel about 5 miles, over the bridge, pass grandmaw's house, you can see The Frank Lloyd Wright Rosenbaum House.

Go about 60 miles west of Tuscumbia and you'll find Huntsville, AL where you can visit the US Space and Rocket Center. Go through the museum, take some rides, explore the universe, all at your fingertips. Don't forget...this place offers SPACECAMP!

These are just a few items. If you make it that far, let me know. I'll tell you where to eat. You don't want to miss "Dub's Burgers," or a "Towbridges Hot Dog." After those, you can die a happy woman...