If anyone were to come to Minneapolis, I would suggest you skip the winter months and come in the spring, summer or fall.

Minneapolis is a beautiful city built around the Mississippi River and many large lakes. We have a wonderful system of drives, walkways and bikeways that move from one end of the city to the other all around lakes, river and creeks. And all of this is in the inner city itself.

Outside the city we currently boast the largest mall in America (Mall of America), if that is what you wish, with a childrens play area, a water park and several nearby hotels. It is actually only 2 miles from my home, and if I feel like mall walking, it's my standby. Many people fly in cheaply, stay at one of the motels, and make a family weekend of the whole thing. Oh, Ikea is there, too.

Minnesota is not known as a tourist destination, but if you are into relaxing, fishing, winter sports, swimming, walking or darn good resturants, we are a pretty good spot for a get away.

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