One of the best pieces of advice I learned was at a drug/alcohol seminar when our oldest was a freshman in high school. The football coach said to put an end to sleep overs and last minute plans via phone. He also advised parents to welcome thier children home at the end of the night.

We can make a difference by making them sleep in their own beds and by waiting up for them when they arrive home in the evening. I'm not saying we can put an end to everything, but we can create some control if they know they have to see Mom or Dad when they walk through the door.

The drug testing is a great idea. I think by the time they're juniors and seniors they can use the excuse that they're parents test them and won't allow certain behaviors. By that time they have a circle of friends. I think it's harder for the 8th, 9th, and 10th graders because they are more caught up with the peer pressure. Any thoughts?