Twice in the past few days I've read about a new book written by a gal who drank her way through high school and college. Koren Zailckas is 24 and apparently she's lucky to have lived to tell her story. I'm happy to see her book making headlines.

Her past lifestyle is a similar one lived by many young gals. Drinking is the norm on college campuses. Heck, it's the norm for high school kids. I've sat through panel discussions listening to kids spill their guts about what goes on each and every weekend and it ain't pretty.

All this drinking and drugging disgusts me. Everything is so over the top. Kids don't just drink, they get drunk over and over again. Parents know and accept it. How can that be? Especially if they live at home?

I intend to read this book. I never stop talking to my kids. They're gonna love me for reading another one of these books that reveals teens actions. But you know what? I love being informed. I won't stick my head in the sand...and I will always continue to plant the seeds in my kid's brains.

I'll post about it after I read it.