Wow Humlan. You are certainly a new age woman. Or is it the Swedish influence? I know sex is as normal as breathing in Sweden. I still have problems with that. I sometimes have problems with breathing too. lol.

I wish I could take hormones, because I need them to lift my libido. But my heart reacted crazy,…even to the estrogen creams.

Just to give another perspective on this; it seems to me that maybe a lot of us are desperately clinging on to sex, thinking this is our fountain of youth. I like to think that letting nature take it’s course is a healthy way of acceptance. Of course I still sleep with my husband, but it’s for love’s sake and not for sex sake.

I respect your openness, humlan. And in a way I envy you for that. I’m still rather inhibited, at least compared to you. As to women our age finding sexual relationships with each other;…well, that’s the first time I heard of that. I can speak only for myself, but I think if you have never had lesbian tendencies, you won’t have them in old age either. No way.

Do you take estrogen or is your attitude doing all this for you? Oh, and as for aging bodies? My body (other than a bit too many bulges) looks younger than my face and hands,…so that can’t be the problem.

Does anyone else have suggestions as to how to raise the libido, other than taking estrogen? Gee, maybe I’m not completely at that acceptance level after all.