Anno, GREAT POINT! How could I overlook the money part? Duh! The cost has gone up and up and I don't see any change for that. In Alabama, just about ALL restaurants are non-smoking and most working facilities. All Hospitals are and most of them have a designated place for smokers.

I remember right before I quit noticing that the smoking areas were smaller and smaller. I still remember the feeling I got when I would go to one of these designated places to smoke...I felt like a criminal. Isn't that awful that one should feel that way? I don't like that and would never, ever, make someone feel that way simply because they smoke! Good grief.

I remember adding up the cost and it was in the thousands that I would save each year by quitting. But in reality, it doesn't matter how much you save, what you smell like or anything else we say IF one is not ready to quit. AND...more importantly, people shouldn't forget that this IS an addiction! It's hard and people motivated to quit should be given all the support they need or request.
