I'm another one! Been trying to quit since the beginning of January. I'm down to about a half a pack aday. Not good enough but it's a big change from my former 2 packs a day. I haven't been really trying to get down further because my husband is on the patch and I think it best if we do it separately. I don't smoke in the house anymore. He is doing great with the patch but I know it won't work for me because I've tried it before and as soon as I drop down to the next stage I always start smoking again. The gum works for me but you have to follow their directions. I've quit 3 times for 6 months each. Don't know why I go back.

Good luck to you in quitting. We are here for you if you need to talk about it. You can PM if you like. Me and Chick have been trying to help each other too!