Okay, I just saw these answers so give me a bit of time here because I've much to say!
Oh ~ my hair came out perfectly but I had a great hairdresser doing it for me! She comes to my home since my neck injury. It is now dark brown with light brown highlights placed very carefully in the right places. One must think out high lights to get the best results. I might put in low lights next just to mix it up better. I started graying at the age of 21 so I'm used to gray hair here and there! The cut cannot be done yet because I'm going for more length. I need about 2 more inches and it's going to be 4 months any way I look at it because hair grows 1/2 inch a month whether you trim it or not! I have wavy hair that is fine and silky but a LOT of it.

Humlan, If I were you, I'd consider a dark brown color also with a bit of highlight in light brown, lighter brown or if you want to be fun, almost black low lights too. Low lights give hair a dimension that is fantastic if you naturally, like me, have black hair. If your hair is naturally really dark, have it dyed a lighter brown because dark hair ages faces and then have some high or low lights added for interest. I forgot what you said about your hair being curly or not... Can you straighten your hair with a blow dryer?

Meredith, Jazzy colors are great, they wash out but sometimes one must bleach before they add the color. Many kids will bleach out their hair and then add the pink or blue or purple so it will be true. If you do it yourself have a long talk at the beauty supply about how you are going to proceed. At Sally's those people are supposed to have hair licsenses to work there.

The most flattering and versatile cut, according to experts, is the bob where the hair is to your chin. This cut is said to be easiest to work with and flattering to everyone! You can change the way you look in your hair cut by placing highlights or low lights in your hair depending on what you are going for.
If you have high lights near your face it will "light up," your face and it is also good for not showing "wrinkles," (I don't really have them yet but,) it is known that if your fact is showing age, lighten your hair. If you are a natural brunette, lightening your hair should be to a color that works with your eyebrows and lashes! It is easy to go to red if you are a brunette. A bright red can only be achieved by having light hair or bleaching first.

When hair is bleached and it is brown, it will go from brown to red to brass and finally to white. You must be very careful applying it because it can burn your hair right off. I never have my hair bleached unless it's for highlights and then I never do it myself! Bleach is a blondes best friends but doing it yourself is always noticeable because non professional bleach is harsh.

Hair color bought in stores or supply stores has METAL. Metal makes the hair dryer and it builds up on the hair to make it coarser too! If you can make friends with a hairdresser and ask them to buy your color for you, things go better. They have access to good color without metal.

I'll go back and see if any one had any questions but if you do, I was a hair model for 15 years and my grandmother owned a salon in Santa Barbara, California where you can't make a mistake!

How did the new hair turn out for Meredith and Humlan?

Humlan, do you need the name of a good conditioner? What you use on your hair is very important.


Edited by dancer9 (01/26/08 07:51 PM)

"Question your privilege"